center of Excellence for Experimental Solid Mechanic and Dynamics- Robotics

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 The need of modern societies to fast automation lines in factories and productive industrials illustrates

 the vital and unavoidable role of robots and intelligent systems in wide variety aspects of engineering. The Robotics Lab of mechanical department of IUST is under supervision of Prof. M. H. Korayem and is founded in (1995). The Robotics Laboratory's objective is to discover and develop fundamental  scientific principles and technology that are applicable to artificial intelligent robot systems.

 Our multidisciplinary approach aims to create  autonomous devices capable of working controllable, fast, optimized and precise. The Lab is well equipped with all of the required  technologies including of mechanical equipments, electrical boards, sensors and actuators. Also computer based GUI and interfaces are supported in this institute. The centre has worked in multiple experimental domains  of robotics involving parallel manipulators such as cable robot, serial linkage manipulators such as 6R robots, mobile robot navigation, elastic robots and also different aspects of high-tech nano- robotics fields. The theoretical researches of institute are also focused on dynamic modeling, control, optimization, path planning, elasticity of robots (FJR&FAR&FCR) and DLCC calculation. The institute has been also involved in many industrial projects, international scientific conferences and top Journals. For finding  more information related to each specific research categories of this center and their  corresponding members and projects please visit the following links:

  · 6R Serial Robot

  · Cable Suspended Driven Parallel Robot

  · Mobile Robot

  · Nano-Robot

  · Elastic Robot


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