August 6, 2011 -
Cable Suspended Driven Parallel Robot
Cable Suspended Driven Parallel Robot Cable suspended driven robot is the new generation of parallel robots in which the stiffness, load carrying capability, lightness, ratio of load to weight, assembling capability and practical workspace is improved compared to serial robots and even similar linkage parallel ones. The ICaSbot is an under constrained 6 DOFs (3 rotational and 3 translational) parallel cable driven robot with 6 active cables which is designed, manufactured and programmed, developed in Robotics Lab. of mechanical department of IUST. This robot is derived with 6 DC motors for which each motor is controlled by PID and PWM strategy. Each motor controls the length of each cable which eventually provides the desire position of the end-effector by the aid of related inverse and direct dynamics and kinematic. The sensor equipments of the built robot consist of encoders, Loadcells and positioning sensors. The online position of the end-effector are recorded using the mixture of vision (X-Y) and lasers (z and rotations) technique which is used to have better control on tracking of the robot based on feedback linearization approach. A complete simulator interface and controlling GUI is designed in LabVIEW environment to simulate, run the robot and record the required data. Related projects • Open loop researches (Dr. Bamdad) · Experimental researches: Designing the mechanical parts of robot, providing the electrical equipments based on Micros, primarily GUI on VB environments. Running the robot in open loop way and analyzing the results · Theoretical researches: Dynamical modeling, Stiffness analyzing, Load carrying capacity calculation, workspace analyzing, optimal path planning. • Closed loop researches (Mr. Tourajizadeh) · Experimental researches: Providing A/D card, controlling the motors based on simultaneous control of velocity and torque method, Using the Loadcell date in controlling the robot, developing the GUI interface in online way on LabVIEW, getting the position data using vision and laser sensors, Running the robot in closed loop state and analyzing the results. · Theoretical researches: Controlling the robot based on feedback linearization approach, closed loop DLCC calculation, closed loop optimal path planning based on LQR method, Flexible joint and flexible cable modeling and control, obstacle avoidance, moving boundary optimization.