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:: XMech 2014 Report ::


XMech 2014

The Bi-Annual International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (X-Mech2014) held on Feb.18-19, 2014 in School of Mechanical Engineering of Iran University of Science and Technology. This conference gathered both engineers and researchers of experimental solid mechanics field to review the latest research activities.

The importance of experimental approaches in research is widely recognized. Therefore the Center of Excellence in Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics decided to present this conference in order to promote the knowledge of experimental techniques and approaches in academic and industrial environmentsin our country.

After announcement of this conference, we have received more than 400 abstracts.The review panel of the conference accepted 213 papers. Among the accepted papers, 144 papers were selected for the oral and 69 papers for poster presentations.The number of paper received by the conference shows the great interest of our academic researchers to experimental techniques.

I thank almighty God for granting us the ability to present such a successful conference. I also wish to thank the members of the international and national advisory committees for their great involvement in organizing the conference. I also express my sincere thanks to the participants and authors for their great participations. Last but not the least; I would like to give my special thanks to the executive manager of the conference and his crew for their uninterrupted efforts.

Opening speech by Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh, Chairman of XMech 2014


In the name of Allah the most compassionate the most merciful

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the international conference on experimental solid mechanics (X-Mech 2014). Two years ago we had our first successful conference (X-Mech 2012). The great participation of researchers from universities and industries encouraged us to continue. So, this year we are presenting the second conference organized by the center of excellence in experimental solid mechanics and dynamics of school of mechanical engineering of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

I thank everybody for coming to this event, specially the distinguished professors, researchers, students, experts from industries and all audiences for their great participation in preparing papers out of their valuable researches.

Goals and objectives of the conference

As you know experimental techniques are very important in applied research. Therefore, CEESMECH (our center of excellence) presentsthis second conference devoted to the subject of experimental solid mechanics. The objective of this conference is to organize a forum, where experts from around the world can present, share and discuss the advancements and innovations in the field of experimental solid mechanics.

Statistical data

After announcement of the conference, we have received 400 abstracts from different universities and research centers of Iran, Malaysia, Italy,Canada, Ukraine, Georgia, France, China, Russia and England. We sent the abstracts to the review panel of the conference. We accepted 213 abstracts (about 53%) Then we asked the authors send their full papers. At that step, we selected 144 papers for oral presentations and 69 papers as posters.

Before giving the floor to our distinguished speakers, I will take this opportunity to explain more about the detail of today program.

Today program

1. After me Prof. Ahmadian, the head of CEESMECH will introduce you the center of excellence in experimental solid mechanics and dynamics and the experimental capabilities available in school of mechanical engineering of IUST. Also he will shortly explain about the goals and the achievements of the CEESMECH.

2. Then, after Prof. Ahmadian, we will have our first keynote speaker, distinguished Prof. Tamin from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Universiti Teknologi Malasia (UTM). Prof. Taminwill present his keynote speech on theAssessment of Progressive Failure Processes in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Laminates, which must be a very interesting topic.

3. Then we have our second keynote speaker, distinguished Prof. Guagliano, from Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Prof. Guagliano will present his keynote speech on theSurface coating by cold spray: properties, problems and future applications, which also must be a very interesting topic.

4. After that we will have a brake, and we start the poster presentations. The poster presentation is very important to us. Therefore, in order to show this importance, before starting the oral presentations we have decided to start our poster sessions.

All presenters must notice that three referees will evaluate their presentations (poster or oral) and if the paper is selected, then we will send the selected papers for a possible publication in national scientific journals.


At the end, I would like to thank all of you for your great participation. I have also my special thanks to my colleagues in school of mechanical engineering of IUST, especially to the members of the executive committee, Prof. Ahmadian, Prof. Ayatollahi.I also thank the national scientific committee and internationaladvisorycommittee. Also, my special thanksgo to Prof. Taghavi, the Chairman of the school for his supports.

I also would like to thank the student helped us, specially my colleagues in Iran Composites Institute, specially Mr. Iman Zibaeiand his team who spent a lot time to organize everything.

In here, I officially open the conference. Hope you enjoy your time during the conference.I invite Prof. Ahmadian to come to start his talk.Thank you very much.

Xmech 2014 Welcome speech by Hamid Ahmadian, Director of CEESMech


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Good morningladies and gentlemen. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the opening session of Xmech 2014. We hope Xmech 2014 will be a platform to gather and disseminate the latest knowledge in experimental mechanics. A biennial international conference, Xmech 2014 is organized by Center of Excellence for Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics (CEESMech). CEESMech focuses on advanced research to foster innovation and enhance professional response to the technological needs of society in the areas of experimental solid mechanics and dynamics; it is the result of the society growth, the broader realm of experimental mechanics, and the role of experimental studies in verification and improvement of theory.

The CEESMech serves as a focal point for industries such as automotive and transportation, gas & oil, power generation, and microelectronics to access expertise needed to design innovative products, and contribute to environmental sustainability.The mission of CEESMech is two folds:

The study and development of innovative and efficient methods to meet technological needs of the society.

The training of engineering leaders.

The current research thrust areas are: acoustics and vibrations, composites, fracture and fatigue research, emerging advanced materials, and MEMS reliability.

The focus of the conference will be on new advances in experimental mechanics. Having witnessed great changes in this discipline, we feel that it is a great opportunity for this conference to take place in IUST which will be conducive to the exchange of research and experimental ideas relating to all aspects of experimental solid mechanics as well as planning together future developments. Now more than ever the role of experimental mechanics is to define the limits and shortcomings of theories as well as to advance discoveries of new phenomena that typically emerge from innovative experimentation.

Academicians, scientist, researchers and practitioners will be able to share and discuss new findings and applications of experimental techniques. It is envisaged that the intellectual discourse will result in future collaborations between universities, research institutions and industry both locally and internationally. In particular it is expected that focus will be given to issues on experimental solid mechanics.

Of course, we ensure that you are provided with the platform and ample time required to develop social and interpersonal networks and friendships to promote cooperation in the field on an international level. We are confident that together we will advance this and push the boundaries of the Science of experimental solid mechanics.

Finally I would like to congratulate the organizing committee for their tremendous efforts in organizing the conference.

We wish all of you an unforgettable Conference and a most enjoyable stay in Tehran.

Pictures Albom

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