هاشمی نژاد |
| نام: دکتر سیدمحمد هاشمی نژاد رتبه علمی: استاد تلفن: 50-77240540 داخلی: 2936 فاکس: 77240488 پست الکترونیکی: hashemi AT iust.ac.ir آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران |
دانشگاه های محل تحصیل - دکترا، دانشگاه Colorado، آمریکا، 1992
- فوق لیسانس، دانشگاه Santa Clara، آمریکا، 1985
- لیسانس، دانشگاه Cal. State University Chico، آمریکا، 1983
تجربیات - Lecturer, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, (1992-1993)
- Lecturer, Westminster Community College, Westminster, Colorado, USA (1992-1993)
- Lecturer, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Research Div., Azad Univ., Poonak, Tehran, 1999-2002.
- Research Assistant, Dept. of Mech. Eng., U.C. Boulder, Colorado, 1988-1992.
- Engineering Technician, General Instruments, Palo Alto, California, 1983-1985.
زمینه های تحقیقاتی - آکوستیک سازه ای
- ارتعاشات
- جریان عدد رینولدز پایین
مقالات ژورنال S. M. Hasheminejad and T.L. Geers, “ Linear vibration analysis of an ultrasonic cleaning problem ,” J ournal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1991, Vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 3238-3247. S. M. Hasheminejad and T.L. Geers, “ Doubly asymptotic approximations for an acoustic halfspace ,” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 1992, Vol. 114, pp. 555-563. S. M. Hasheminejad and T.L. Geers, “ Modal impedances for two spherical surfaces in a thermoviscous fluid, ” J ournal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1993, Vol. 94, pp. 2205-2214. S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Modal impedances for a spherical source in a fluid-filled spherical cavity embedded within a fluid-infiltrated elastic porous medium ,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1998, Vol. 35, pp. 129-148. S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Modal acoustic force on a spherical radiator in an acoustic halfspace with locally reacting boundary, ” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2001, Vol. 87, pp. 443-453. S. M. Hasheminejad and H. Hosseini, “R adiation loading of a cylindrical source in a fluid-filled cylindrical cavity embedded within a fluid saturated poroelastic medium, ” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2002, Vol. 69, pp. 675-683. S. M. Hasheminejad and H. Hosseini, “ Dynamic stress concentration near on a fluid-filled permeable borehole induced by general modal vibrations of an internal cylindrical radiator,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2002, Vol. 22, pp. 441-458. S. M. Hasheminejad and B. Harsini, “Effects of dynamic viscoelastic properties on acoustic diffraction by a solid sphere, ” Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2002, Vol. 72, pp. 697-712. S. M. Hasheminejad and N. Safari, “Dynamic viscoelastic effects on sound wave diffraction by spherical and cylindrical shells submerged in and filled with viscous compressible fluids, ” Shock and Vibration, 2003, Vol. 10, pp. 339-363. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Modal vibrations of an infinite cylinder in an acoustic halfspace, ” International Journal of Engineering Science , 2003, Vol. 41, pp. 2253-2271. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Energy distribution and radiation loading of a cylindrical source suspended within a nonconcentric fluid cylinder, ” Acta Mecha nica, 2003, Vol. 164, pp. 15-30. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “Eccentricity effects on acoustic radiation from a spherical source suspended within a thermoviscous fluid sphere,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2003, Vol. 50, pp. 1444-1454. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Non-axisymmetric acoustic radiation from a transversely oscillating rigid sphere above a rigid/compliant planar boundary ,” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2003, Vol. 89, pp. 998-1007. S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Modal acoustic impedance force on a spherical source near a rigid interface ,” Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2003, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 33-39. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Najafi, "Modeling and prediction of acoustic performance of reactive mufflers based on transmission loss approach," Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology , 2003, Vol. 14, pp. 755-764. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “Ac oustic radiation from a pulsating spherical cap set on a spherical baffle near a hard/soft flat surface, ” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering , 2004, Vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 110-117. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. A. Badsar, “Acou stic scattering by a poroelastic sphere near a flat boundary ,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2004, Vol. 43, no. 5A, pp. 2612-2623. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Harmonic radiation from a liquid-filled spherical acoustic lens with an internal eccentric spherical source ,” Mechanics Research Communications , 2004, Vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 493-506. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand , “ Sound radiation from a liquid-filled underwater spherical acoustic lens with an internal eccentric baffled spherical piston,” Ocean Engineering, 2004, Vol. 31, pp. 1129-1146. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. A. Badsar , “ Acoustic scattering by a pair of poroelastic spheres,” Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 2004, Vol. 57, pp. 95-113. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “Vibrations of a cylindrical radiator over an impedance plane,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, Vol. 278, pp. 461-477. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. Mehdizadeh, “Acoustic radiation from a finite spherical source placed in fluid near a poroelastic sphere, ” Archive of Applied Mechanics , 2004, Vol. 74, pp. 59-74. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Sound radiation due to modal vibrations of a spherical source in an acoustic quarterspace, ” Shock and Vibration, 2004, Vol. 11, pp. 625-635. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Acoustic radiation from a shell-encapsulated baffled cylindrical cap,” Acoustical Physics, 2005, Vol. 51, pp. 419-427. S. M. Hasheminejad and N. Safari, “ Acoustic scattering from viscoelastically coated spheres and cylinders in viscous fluids, ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, Vol. 280, pp. 101-125. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand , “ Acoustic radiation from a cylindrical source close to a rigid corner, ” Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2005, Vol. 85, pp. 66-74 . S. M. Hasheminejad and S. A. Badsar, “ Elastic wave scattering by two spherical inclusions in a poroelastic medium,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2005, Vol. 131, pp. 953-965. S. M. Hasheminejad , “Acoustic scattering by a fluid-encapsulating spherical viscoelastic membrane including thermoviscous effects ,” Journal of Mechanics, 2005, Vol. 21, pp. 205-215. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. A. Badsar, “ Scattering of plane waves by a rigid sphere in an acoustic quarterspace,” JSME International Journal, 2005, Vol. 48, pp.776-782. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Radiation impedance loading of a spherical source in a two-dimensional perfect acoustic waveguide ,” Acoustical Physics, 2006, Vol. 52, pp.104-115. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. A. Alibakhshi, “Dynamic viscoelastic and multiple scattering effects in fiber suspensions ,” Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2006, Vol. 27, pp. 219-234. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. Mehdizadeh , “ Acoustic performance of a multilayer close-fitting hemispherical enclosure,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2006, Vol. 54, pp. 86-100. S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Avazmohammadi , “ Acoustic diffraction by a pair of poroelastic cylinders,” Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2006, Vol. 8, pp. 589-605. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand, “ Sound pressure attenuation in an acoustically lined parallel plate duct containing an off-center cylindrical radiator ,” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2006, Vol. 92, pp. 417-426. S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Ultrasonic scattering by a viscoelastic fiber of elliptic cross section suspended in a viscous fluid medium ,” Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2006, Vol. 27, pp. 1165-1179 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Avazmohammadi , “ Harmonic wave diffraction by two circular cavities in a poroelastic formation, ” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2007, Vol. 27, pp. 29-41. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. A. Alibakhshi, “ Ultrasonic scattering from compressible cylinders including multiple scattering and thermoviscous effects ,” Archives of Acoustics, 2006, Vol. 31, pp. 243-263. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. A. Alibakhshi, “ Two-Dimensional Scattering from an Impenetrable Cylindrical Obstacle in an Acoustic Quarterspace ,” Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (Engineering Research) , 2006, Vol. 70, pp. 179-186. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Diffraction of elastic waves by a spherical inclusion with an anisotropic graded interfacial layer and dynamic stress concentrations ,” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2006, Vol. 25, pp. 67-81 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. A. Alibakhshi, “ Diffraction of sound by a poroelastic cylindrical absorber near an impedance plane,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2007, Vol. 49, pp. 1-12. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Interaction of a plane progressive sound wave with a functionally graded spherical shell ,” Ultrasonics, 2006, Vol. 45, pp. 165-177 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Avazmohammadi , “ Elastic wave scattering in porous unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites, ” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2007, Vol. 26, pp. 495-517 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Acoustic scattering by an elliptic cylindrical absorber ,” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2007, Vol. 93, pp. 789-803. S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Ultrasonic scattering by a spheroidal suspension including dissipative effects ” Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2007, Vol. 28, pp. 1093 – 1107. S. M. Hasheminejad and A.K. Miri, “ Effect of inter-fiber distance on energy transfer in unidirectional composites containing transverse ultrasonic waves, ” Advanced Composites Letters, 2006, Vol. 15, pp.157-166 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A. H. Pasdar, “ Computation of acoustic field by a spherical source near a thermoviscous fluid sphere ,” Journal of Computational Acoustics, 2007, Vol. 15, pp.159-1 80. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Rajabi, “ Acoustic resonance scattering from a submerged functionally graded cylindrical shell , ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, Vol. 302, pp. 208-228 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Acoustic radiation force and torque on a solid elliptic cylinder ” Journal of Computational Acoustics, 2007, Vol. 15, pp. 377-399 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Effects of fiber ellipticity and orientation on dynamic stress concentrations in porous fiber-reinforced composites ,” Computational Mechanics , 2007, Vol. 40, pp. 1015-1036 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Acoustic resonance scattering from a submerged anisotropic sphere ,” Acoustical Physics, 2008, Vol. 54, pp. 168-179 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A.K. Miri, “ Ultrasonic energy transfer and stress concentrations in a single-fiber composite with absorbing interface layer, ” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials , 2008, Vol. 21, pp. 473-509 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A.K. Miri, “ Dynamic interaction of an eccentric multipole cylindrical radiator suspended in a fluid-filled borehole within a poroelastic formation ,” Acta Mechanica Sinica , 2007, Vol. 23, pp. 399- 408. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Effect of interface anisotropy on elastic wave propagation in particulate composites ,” Journal of Mechanics , 2008, Vol. 24, pp. 77-93. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. A. Alibakhshi, “ Eccentricity and thermoviscous effects on ultrasonic scattering from a liquid-coated fluid cylinder ,” Journal of Zhejiang University Science , 2008, Vol. 9, pp. 65-78. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. Kazemirad , “ Dynamic response of an eccentrically lined circular tunnel in poroelastic soil under seismic excitation, ” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2008, Vol. 28, pp. 277-292. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Rajabi, “ Acoustic scattering characteristics of a thick-walled orthotropic cylindrical shell at oblique incidence ,” Ultrasonics, 2007, Vol. 47 , pp. 32-48. S. M. Hasheminejad and H. Hosseini, “ Nonaxisymmetric interaction of a spherical radiator in a fluid-filled permeable borehole ,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, Vol. 45, pp. 24-47 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Komeili,"Dynamic response of a thick FGM tube under a moving load," Proceedings of the IMECHE, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2007, Vol. 221, pp.1545-1554 . S. M. Hasheminejad and H. Hosseini, “ Dynamic interaction of a spherical radiator in a fluid-filled cylindrical borehole within a poroelastic formation, ” Mechanics Research Communications , 2008, Vol. 35, pp.158-171 . S. M. Hasheminejad and Siavash Kazemirad , “ Scattering and absorption of sound by a compound cylindrical porous absorber with an eccentric core , ” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2008, Vol. 94, pp.79-90 . S. M. Hasheminejad , A. Shahsavarifard, and M. Shahsavarifard, “ Dynamic Viscoelastic Effects on Free Vibrations of a Submerged Fluid-filled Thin Cylindrical Shell ,” Journal of Vibration and Control, 2008, Vol. 14, pp.849-865 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Sanaei, “ Ultrasonic scattering by a fluid cylinder of elliptic cross section including viscous effects ” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2008, Vol. 55, pp. 391-404. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Shabanimotlagh , “ Sound insulation characteristics of functionally graded panels , ” Acustica/Acta Acustica, 2008, Vol. 94, pp. 290-300. S. M. Hasheminejad and S. Kazemirad , “ Dynamic viscoelastic effects on sound wave scattering by an eccentric compound circular cylinder , ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, Vol. 318, pp.506-526. S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Avazmohammadi , “ Dynamic stress concentrations in lined twin tunnels within fluid-saturated soil,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2008, Vol. 134, pp.542-554 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Rajabi, “ Scattering and active acoustic control from a submerged piezoelectric-coupled orthotropic hollow cylinder ,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, Vol. 318, pp.50-73 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A.K. Miri, “ Seismic isolation effect of lined circular tunnels with damping treatments , ” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration , 2008, Vol. 7, pp.305-319 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Rajabi, “ Effect of FGM core on dynamic response of a buried sandwich cylindrical shell in poroelastic soil to harmonic body waves ,” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2008, Vol. 85, pp.762-771 . S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Acoustic wave interaction with a laminated transversely isotropic spherical shell with imperfect bonding ,” Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, Vol. 79, pp.97-112 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A. Rafsanjani , “ Steady state vibration of an FGM plate strip under a moving line load ,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures , 2009, Vol. 16, pp.417-428. S. M. Hasheminejad an d M. Komeili , “ Effect of imperfect bonding on axisymmetric elastodynamic response of a lined circular tunnel in poroelastic soil due to a moving ring loa d , ” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, Vol. 46, pp.398-411 . M. Maleki and S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Elastic Wave Scattering in Semi-crystalline Polymers ,” International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009, Vol. 47, pp.767-776. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Aghabeigi , “ Liquid sloshing in half-full horizontal elliptical tanks, ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, Vol. 324, pp.332-349. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Maleki, “ Free vibration and forced harmonic response of an electrorheological fluid-filled sandwich plate ,” Smart Materials and Structures, 2009, Vol. 18, art. no. 055013. S. M. Hasheminejad and Y. Mirzaei , “ Free vibration analysis of an eccentric hollow cylinder using exact three dimensional elasticity theory, ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, Vol. 326, pp.687-702. M. Rajabi and S. M. Hasheminejad and, “ Acoustic resonance scattering from a multilayered cylindrical shell with imperfect bonding ,” Ultrasonics, 2009, Vol. 49, pp.682-695 . S. M. Hasheminejad and A. Ahamdi-Savadkoohi , “ Vibro-acoustic behavior of a hollow FGM cylinder excited by on-surface mechanical drives , ” Composite Structures , 2010, Vol. 92, pp.86-96 . S. M. Hasheminejad and R. Avazmohammadi , “ Size-dependent effective dynamic properties of unidirectional nanocomposites with interface energy effects,” Composites Science and Technology, 2009, Vol. 69, pp. 2538-2546. S. M. Hasheminejad , S. M. Hosseinimaab and M. Maleki, “ Acoustic scattering and active control from a near-surface underwater piezoelastic spherical shell transducer , ” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering , 2010, Vol. 35, pp. 438-447. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Shabanimotlagh , “ Magnetic field-dependent sound transmission properties of magnetorheological elastomer-based adaptive panels, ” Smart Materials and Structures, 2010, Vol. 19, art. no. 035006. S. M. Hasheminejad , A. Bahari and S. Abbasion , “ Modelling and simulation of acoustic pulse interaction with a fluid-filled hollow elastic sphere through numerical Laplace inversion , ” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011, Vol. 35, pp. 22-49. S. M. Hasheminejad , S. Abbasion, and A. Bahari , “ Time domain computation and visualization of shock induced sound fields for a doubly fluid-loaded hollow cylinder , ” Computers & Structures, 2010, Vol. 88, pp. 1077-1091. B. Gheslaghi, S. M. Hasheminejad , and S. Abbasion , “ Size dependent torsional vibration of nanotubes , ” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2010, Vol. 43, pp. 45-48. S. M. Hasheminejad , S. Abbasion, and Y. Mirzaei , “ Acoustic pulse interaction with a submerged FGM hollow cylinder ,” Acoustical Physics, 2011, Vol. 57, pp. 20-35. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. M. Mohammadi, “ Effect of anti-slosh baffles on free liquid oscillations in partially filled horizontal circular tanks ,” Ocean Engineering , 2011, Vol. 38, pp. 49-62. S. M. Hasheminejad, S. Rezaei, and P. Hosseini, “ Exact solution for dynamic response of an elastic elliptical membrane,” Thin-Walled Structures, 2011, Vol. 49, pp. 371-378. S. M. Hasheminejad and A. Rafsanjani , “ Two-dimensional elasticity solution for transient response of simply supported beams under moving loads ” Acta Mecha nica, 2011, in press. S. M. Hasheminejad and Y. Mirzaei , “ Exact 3D elasticity solution for free vibrations of an eccentric hollow sphere , ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011, Vol. 330, pp.229-244. S. M. Hasheminejad and B. Gheslaghi, “ Dissipative surface stress effects on free vibrations of nanowires , ” Applied Physics Letters , 2010, Vol. 97, article no. 253103 . S. M. Hasheminejad , B. Gheslaghi, Y. Mirzaei , and S. Abbasion “ Free transverse vibrations of cracked nanobeams with surface effects , ” Thin Solid Films , 2011, Vol. 519, pp.2477-2482. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Aghabeigi , “ Transient sloshing in half-full horizontal elliptical tanks under lateral excitation , ” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011, in press. S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Aghabeigi , “ Sloshing characteristics in half-full horizontal elliptical tanks with vertical baffles, ” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011, in press. B. Gheslaghi, and S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Surface effects on nonlinear free vibration of nanobeams , ” Composites: Part B, 2011, in press. B. Gheslaghi, and S. M. Hasheminejad , “ Adsorption-induced resonance frequency shift in Timoshenko microbeams , ” Current Applied Physics, 2011, in press. S. M. Hasheminejad , S. Malakooti, and H. Mousavi Akbarzadeh , “ Acoustic radiation from a submerged hollow FGM sphere ,” Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, in press. |